
  • A Day in my Refereeing Life

    Last week, on Saturday 19th February, I refereed a junior freestyle wrestling tournament in Schmitten, Fribourg, Switzerland. A (normally) yearly event in a (normal) year. And this time it turned out to be one of the biggest Swiss tournaments ever in terms of the number of participants, thanks in part to the recent lifting of almost all pandemic restrictions. A whopping 297 wrestlers from all over Switzerland, Italy, Austria, and Germany (as far as Cologne, 600 km away!) gathered in the Turnhalle Gwatt for an intense day of more than 600 bouts. The weigh-in started at 9:00 and the competition finished well after sunset at 19:30, which all in all is not too late for a tournament of this scale.

  • Initial website setup

    Today, I decided to setup a simple website, most notably to display my resume online outside of LinkedIn, and maybe share some of my work sometimes. Nothing too fancy. That’s why I went with jekyll, which is freely available and open source.

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